This GENIUS New Method Uses...
The Most Time Tested Way Of Learning A New Language, Without Moving To A New Country!
If you want to learn usable real world Spanish as quickly as possible, watch this entire video right now before its gone.
Retail $900
One Time Offer $247
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Just One Payment Gets You Instant, Lifetime Access
Have you been trying to learn Spanish using Spanish courses, bilingual dictionaries, and classes but nothing seems to work?
When I moved to the US, I was using English programs and dictionaries, but these didn't teach things I would actually use in the real world.
Because of that I had trouble communicating with people and I wasn't able to make new friends, understand my teachers, and I couldn't do my homework.
Like me, James was struggling to learn Spanish so he contacted me.
He needed more tools and formats to fully understand the language so he could speak to friends and family, help customers at work and get a raise, and finally make a trip to Mexico without being worried.
I realized the solution for James was the same as for me, the most time tested way to learn a language...
When I started reading and writing, talking and listening, thinking, and even DREAMING in English...
After just a few months I noticed a massive difference.
So did my family, and my NEW English speaking friends!
The problem with James is that he doesn’t live in a Spanish speaking country.
So I knew his course needed to immerse him in other ways...
By writing, reading, hearing, speaking, thinking and even dreaming in Spanish.
I also knew it was important that he learn phrases that actually help him hold a conversation in the real world.
After a few weeks he gained the confidence to start speaking Spanish to customers and friends...
And he was loving it.
He was finally able to make new friends and connections, as well as talk to family members that he never could before!
He could also now talk to Spanish speaking coworkers and customers, which he knows will make him a more valuable employee.
So, would you want to use the same program that he used?
Well, there's good news and bad news.
The bad news is, The program I made for him is not available.
The good news is I have an even bigger, better, more in depth program that I’ve created for you!
More on this in a second...
What Learning Spanish Can Do For You
- Make new friends and connections
- Deepen relationships
- Open new opportunities
- Connect with family you couldn’t talk to before
- Share stories you’ve never been able to hear or tell before
- Meet your goals
- Traveling to Spanish speaking countries without being afraid
- Get a raise at work and with that extra income you could:
Get a new house
Buy that new car you want
Pay off debt
Introducing A One-Of-A-Kind Experience...

What You're Getting...
200 Spanish Phrases
Split Into 4 Phases Of 2 Weeks, Focusing On
Small Talk When First Meeting Someone
- The perfect phrase to break the ice with Spanish natives
- If you don't know this phrase you'll never make new Spanish speaking friends!
- The number one phrase to REALLY get to know the driving force in someone's life
- And a bunch more must know phrases -
Getting To Know People Better
- 8 words that get people telling you the coolest stories ever
- A must know phrase to take relationships to the next level
- The best question to help you make new friends -
Making Plans
- You need this phrase to make sure you don’t miss any plans
- If you answer this question wrong, you might never get invited anywhere again
- A simple way to get someone to go anywhere with you -
Travel Basics
-The correct way to make sure you get a taxi and know how much it will cost
- Use this question to ask a local for recommendations
- Ask this question when you're starving and don't know where to eat
Each Phase Includes...
4 Streaming Video Lessons
- Good for listening to hear how words are pronounced
- Learn how to read the words and phrases correctly
4 Cheat Sheets
- Improve at reading the words
- See how they’re punctuated and spelled
4 Spanish While Sleeping Streaming Videos
- These are key to the full immersion process
- They can be used while sleeping, driving, or doing anything throughout the day
- Great for getting much needed practice and repetition
4 Workbooks In Spanish
- They will help you to quiz your memory
- Develop comprehension and recognition of Spanish
4 Workbooks In English
- Help you to quiz your memory
- Practice writing in Spanish which is important to full long term memory
You Get INSTANT Access
Minutes after purchase you get access to the member's area with the entire immersion course
Access the course on any internet enabled device including smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops & smart TV's
Plus These Bonuses If You Start Today...
An Additional 2 Week Phase Of 50 Phrases!
In this phase you will learn more personal questions and small talk at work
This will help you make new business and networking connections
Streaming Video Lesson
Cheat Sheet
Spanish While Sleeping Streaming Video
Spanish Workbook
English Workbook
Downloadable MP3 files
5 Downloadable MP3 Files For Spanish While Sleeping Lessons
10 Common Mistakes To Avoid
Streaming Video Lesson Showing Common Mistakes Spanish Learners Make
- The pronoun mistake that immediately screams "I'm not a Spanish speaker"
- Get this word wrong and Spanish speakers will think you're pregnant
- Common gender mistake that could make for an embarrassing moment
What Immersion Did For James...
It's worth it... Whether talking to someone on the phone or listening to a conversation in Spanish... I could definitely understand more. When I first started I would have no idea what they were saying. The lessons have helped me a lot, especially when helping people over the phone or talking with my friends and even something as simple as making an order at a restaurant.
James G.
What Others Have To Say About The Course...
A one-stop-shop to get Spanish lessons.
Kerry M.
Phase 2 is going good! At the beginning of the week I was like "wow, I don't know any of these phrases", but with listening to it while I sleep, reading the cheat sheets, watching the videos, I'm catching on pretty quick. I surprised myself lol. I'm liking it.
Nathan M.

Why You Should Get Started Today...
You will not find a program like this anywhere else.
It is one of a kind.
You can change your life and reach your goals a lot faster by learning in a way that actually works.
This limited time discounted offer won’t be here forever.
No Risk Money Back Guarantee

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
There’s absolutely no risk for you to give this a try because if for whatever reason you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase just send us an email at and we will give you a full refund. It’s that simple. I want to make sure nothing is holding you back from giving this program a try. So, if for any reason you’re not happy with your purchase just send me an email and I’ll give you a every single penny back.
Retail $900
One Time Offer $247
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Just One Payment Gets You Instant, Lifetime Access!